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Here are a list of key resources to help you achieve Generator Compliance.

Generator Compliance has its challenges and with limited time, resources, and expertise inhouse, we often find that Registered Participants place generator compliance in the too hard basket. However, de-prioritising it could significantly cost you and your business. Financial penalties and regulatory setbacks are just the tip of it. Your ability to commercialise your project and reputation are also at risk.
Did you know… “A wave of recent enforcement activity related to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) current 2022-23 compliance and enforcement priorities totaled $1,164,800 in infringement notices across FY23”

Energy Global Co

So, what measures can you take to ensure Generator Compliance? Our experts at EPEC share their top resources and recommendations for compliance with Australian regulations.


Key Resources for Generator Compliance

“Compliance with the law is not a matter of choice. The law is … coercive and its coercive character can be neither hidden nor ignored. Negotiation and persuasion, without enforcement, all too readily leads to the perception that compliance is voluntary. It is not.”

Hayne Royal Commission

Ultimately, generator compliance is your responsibility and obligation as a registered participant. Making sure you have met all your regulatory requirements can be a time-consuming and costly excise upfront but will ensure peace of mind in the long run.

Our experts at EPEC can assist you generator compliance, saving you valuable time and resources. Contact Paul Minett via email paul.minett@epecgroup.com.au today for more information.